PicMonkey App Store

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Project overview: PicMonkey offers powerful photo editing and design tools created for everyone, from image-making novices to pros. It’s a subscription based desktop program with a free mobile app. PicMonkey mobile app is a stand alone product, and also an extension of your desktop workflow.

As the product matured, the company decided to invest in improving the mobile app. For many reasons: brand awareness, millions of design/photo editing app users, a way to convert mobile users to desktop subscription. I was the lead designer to partner with the mobile team to bring this vision to life. PicMonkey historically sought to appeal to hobbyists, but wanted to appeal to small business owners, designers, social media marketers and those interested in creating marketing and like content on their phones and on the go.

The team worked with an external agency who provided recommendations on how to optimize: specific key words in description, aligning screen shots to actual app content, adding videos. In addition, I did a competitive analysis of what other companies were doing in the space to match and exceed their looks.

App Store Screenshots: Overall, the goal of this creative was to showcase the power of the mobile app in an elevated and relatable way.

  • Research competitors to understand their presence in the market
  • Showcase designs that were on trend and this tool was for everyone, not just hobbyists
  • There was a big push at this time with our visual brand to not look juvenile but to be a tool set for designers and small business owners alike
  • Include the most popular graphics, tape, frames + brush strokes
  • Muted + sophisticated color palette to stand apart from some of the others in this space who were using brighter + more elementary colors
  • Imagery features a diverse group of people with a range of ages
  • Not always showing woman using the touch up feature

Creative Results in App Store Environment: Showing the creative in the App Store environment to see the intention of the first three collage screens. It’s meant to be eye catching, scroll stopping and a way to optimize the space to showcase six designs, versus three, in addition to graphics, stock photos + textures.

Subscription Creative: With the Pro Subscription, it unlocked special features in the Mobile App. The team wanted to test if users would convert via the App Store. I assisted with the purchase flow by creating graphics that would be used for the Subscription call out within our app description. The same imagery from the screen shots was used in-app on the plan page.

In-app Creative: Another aspect of the app that I helped with, was the home screen tiles. There were typically about five features touted at one time. I was frequently designing tiles to showcase the newest toolset or features.

App Store Video: As mentioned earlier, part of the App Store optimization was to add a video. Here are stills from the 30sec video that showcases three design examples that you can create using the PicMonkey app. Normally worked on static designs, so was exciting to bring them to life with video.

App features to highlight:

  • Background remove
  • Adding effects to video
  • Curved text
  • Trending graphics and how to add and use them

Watch app store video here

This was an important milestone for the mobile development team and was a successful partnership between product, design and marketing to showcase the capabilities of the tool.





